Photo by @maymothedog Hello, world! It’s time for a special #Halloween edition of #WeeklyFluff…

Photo by @maymothedog
Hello, world! It’s time for a special #Halloween edition of #WeeklyFluff starring Maymo (@maymothedog). “Maymo lives in Massachusetts in a neighborhood next to a small pond and a trail where he enjoys eating sticks and the occasional roll in putrid things he finds in the grass,” explains Maymo’s human, Jeremy. “Maymo enjoys planning the capture and eventual imprisonment of our mail carrier, as well as lobbying the government to put an end to bath time. He also enjoys smelling, staring at and eating food.”
This beagle also loves costumes and Halloween. “Because of his proficiency in doggie disguises, Maymo is working on a tell-all memoir documenting his methods of canine costumery,” says Jeremy. Watch today’s story and our IGTV channel to see more costumed looks from Maymo.

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